Month: November 2024
if I’m supposed to only say positive things I wouldn’t know how to accurately describe what is going on. Except to say until now..I’ve not had any luck with jobs,money or relationships.
saying positive things
I’m supposed to say positive things because Jesus said Christians have the power to bless or curse themselves. I’ve had 46 years of bad luck so hopefully that will be reversed.
Reading the bible was bad for me
I became a Christian in 2016 when I was 38 years old. I went insane and thought I had to fast all the time, follow the sabbath strictly and evangelise constantly. Around 2022 I had an experience which made me drop all religious activity and I was granted peace. One of these activities I stopped…
First blog post
I have been prophesized to be a very famous person in the future. I am 47 years old and male. I’m a Christian which is supposed to be central in my becoming famous. I’m supposed to use this fame to convert people to Christianity.